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15 images"Where The Sun Rises" is an ongoing public exhibition displayed in a giant format on construction hoardings next to Sugar Beach Toronto. The Exhibition is a Patch Project curated by Steps Initiative and commissioned by Menkes Development Artist Statement "In my hometown of Maracaibo, Venezuela is always summer. Similar to Toronto, it has a lake where the sun rises every day. Unfortunately, Lake Maracaibo was taken and polluted by the oil industry long before I was born. Of its crystal clear waters, beaches and recreational activities, just old fashioned photographs have remained as the testimony of their glorious days. Therefore, when I emigrated and was lucky enough to settle near Lake Ontario, I felt granted to enjoy the lifestyle around a waterfront that my hometown had denied me. This photo series result from the creative process that helped me overcome my cultural duel while learning to embrace my new home. They portray my nostalgic perception of the places I love to live in and where my new dawn began. Mirna Chacin, 2019
12 imagesArtist Statement "Sons Of The Sun" series started in my mind back in 1988, when I visited the Uros people in their floating islands on Lake Titicaca for the first time. 20 years later, I returned and spent several days getting to know their culture and traditions. I found the Uros have had the strength to survive throughout the last 1000 years based on their enormous adaptation and respect for their ecosystem. The Uros considered themselves sons of the sun and the owners of the lake and water they protect. My work explores the Uro's relationship with the lake, their matriarchal society and their efforts to keep their traditions and avoid being evicted from their floating paradise by the forces of climate change and globalization. The series was projected during the Month Of Photography of Los Angeles (MOPLA) 2019.
15 imagesParaguaná is a peninsula in Venezuela,which lies in the Caribbean sea. The series was born from my desire to preserve in pictures paradise and timeless essence of the Paraguana Peninsula. I invite my audience to cross dunes, left rocked and lulled by its winds, sun bathe and soak in its waters before the progress and environmental pollution let us just memories and nostalgia.
9 imagesYou are invited to take a slow easy stroll through the cobblestone streets of Padua, Italy. When I took this photographs, I was breaking up with my italian boy friend, I was in a nostalgic frame of mind. Alone in an unknown city. One day, I could not help to take photographs of every single bike I found on my way. I realized later that I was took in some way, a reflection of what I was living . However , every time I have exhibited this photographs, people feel nostalgic as well. Maybe, it's because everyone has a story to remember about a bicycle
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